Chairman of the International foundation for Khums Revival, said: “I talked about khums for more than two weeks in Bandar Abbas, which caused the khums payment in Bandar Abbas to become double, because many people are not aware of the khums. So the scholars’ speech on this issue has a great impact.
According to the report of the International Foundation for Khums revival, Ayatollah Nai’m Abadi, in a meeting with Ayatullah Alavi Gorgani, that was held on 4th Ordibehesh, 1398 of Persian solar year, in the office of this Shiite religious authority, referring to the steps taken by the Foundation, said: “Training a khums committee is one of the activities of the Khums Foundation, and trained students can answer all the questions related to Khums wherever they may find themselves.
Referring to the need to promote the divine law of Khums, he added: “If we can train 200 troops for khums, we have done a good job in this regard, and we will continue to do so.”
The head of the International Foundation for Khums revival said that many of the hauza students have studied Khums, but they could not calculate khums or answer doubts and objections that are being raised about khums, even some huza (seminary) student don’t know that the Khums can be used other than hauza (Seminary)
The representative of the supreme leader of Hormozgan province, mentioned meeting with the scholars of the cities as one of the programs of the Khums Foundation, and added that: “In order to revive the habit of paying khums, we went to visit religious scholars in different cities, which has yielded a very good result, because if the Islamic scholars work on khums, many of our problems will be solved.Ayatollah Na’im Abadi pointed out: “I spoke on Khums for more than two weeks in Bandar Abbas, which caused the khums payment in the province to become double, because many people are not aware of the khums. So, the scholars’ speech on this issue has a lot of effects.