The revered Shia religious Authority, in the course of explaining the fact that there are some Islamic laws that are being obsoleted, expressed that: Khums is one of the Islamic laws that have become outworn. Therefore, khums must be revitalized, and we have to awaken and educate the society on this issue.
According to the report of the International foundation for reviving the tradition of khums, the Grand Ayatollah, Alavi Gorgani, in his meeting with the president and aides of the foundation, along with a group of teachers and students of the khums propagator’s training course of the foundation, recommended the programs of these centers and expressed that: One of the most important factors for the success of this work, is obeying the Allah’s command; and we must explain the divine laws to the people, because extending what is being revealed from Allah is a propagative act, and is one of the religious precepts.
He, in the course of explaining the fact that there are some Islamic laws that are being obsoleted, expressed that: Khums is one of the Islamic laws that have become outworn. Therefore, khums must be revitalized, and we have to awaken and educate the society in this regard.
He added that: When it is said to the clergy man : “why don’t you speak of khums”, he, in response, says: “I am afraid of being accused of looking for money for myself.”
In the course of acknowledging the activities of the foundation, he mentioned that: “You must be familiar with all the issues of khums, and be aware of it, and be able to improve it, because this is a great responsibility, (so) you must know what are the items on which paying khums is mandatory and vice versa. Try to know the views (fatwa) of all the religious Authorities (in this regard).
Referring to the verse of Surah Muhammad (peace be upon him and his holy progeny), he said: “Allah says in this verse, do not lose heart and try to pursue policies for the reformed and healthy society. Invite people to peace. You are a group of people that secured a high hierarchical status, because Islam is a superior religion, which will never be overshadowed.
The more you strive, the more the rewards of Allah for you. This verse is a good news and glad tidings for those who take step towards this path.
He explicitly mentioned that: One of the ways of re-establishing Islam, is to revive the divine laws in the society, and we should also try to bring out these laws from the antiquated and abandoned state.
Ayatollah Alavi Gorgani notified: In a meeting with some officials, I said that Amir al-Mu’minin (Peace be upon him) says that: do not ruin the people’s world, (because) if the people’s world collapses, their religion will also collapse. So, (God forbid), if there is any negligence in our duties, we are going to be held responsible for that (in the next world), because “People do follow the religion of their kings”.
Pointing out the importance of serving the people, the outstanding personality of Hauza studies said: “People must know that the world is the farming place of the hereafter, and as it is said by the infallible Imam that God has created the world as a bridge for us to pass, not to remain on it; and (it is obvious that) a (wise) man will never build a house on the bridge.